B2200 Engine Torque Specs

All torque values referenced from the 1991 Mazda Factory Manual unless otherwise stated.

Main Caps

First Step: hand tight
Sec Step: 25-30 lb/ft
3rd Step: 61-65 lb/ft

Rod Bolts

First Step: hand tight
Sec Step: 25-30 lb/ft
3rd Step: 48-51 lb/ft

Rear Main Seal

First Step: 69-104 lb/in
Community often recommends: 120-132 lb/in

Oil Pump

Oil Sump / Pan

More detailed information about the oil sump / pan can be found here.
First Step: 69-104 lb/in
Community often recommends: 120-132 lb/in

Water Pump

First Step: 14-19 lb/ft

Timing Belt Tensioner and Idler Pulley

First Step: 27-38 lb/ft

Harmonic Balancer (10 mm)

First Step: 9-13 lb/ft
Note: Over-Torquing will lead to a broken bolt.


First Step: 71-76 lb/ft
Note: Apply sealant and tighten in star pattern.

Clutch Pressure Plate

First Step: 13-20 lb/ft
Note: Tighten in star pattern.

Flex Plate

First Step: 71-76 lb/ft
Note: Apply sealant and tighten in star pattern.

Rocker / Camshaft Caps

Please read this before torquing down your rocker / camshaft caps
First Step: Hand Tight
Sec Step: 13-20 lb/ft
Note: Do not overtorque, stripping of the aluminum threads may occur.

Cylinder Head

Please read this before torquing down your cylinder head
First Step: 20 lb/ft
Sec Step: 40 lb/ft
3rd Step: 59-64 lb/ft

Cam Sprocket

First Step: 35-48 lb/ft

Lower Timing Sprocket (21 mm)

First Step: 116-123 lb/ft

Distributor Housing

First Step: 14-19 lb/ft

Sources and Credit

Mazdatrucking.com - Website is no longer up
Thank you to Kyrasis6 from the mazdatrucking forum for this information
Salvaged by @reyxil

mazdatrucking/enginetorque.txt ยท Last modified: 12/09/2020 08:12 by reyxil
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