Community Chat

Please use this to discuss anything vaguely FE3 related.


Justin, 07/02/2023 18:20

I'm trying to contribute to the page but I'm not very good with computers and I'm having difficulty getting started. I've read through the “how to submit to this wiki” several times and im just not understanding how to move foreward.

Chris Magee-Jenks, 22/06/2022 14:22

hey all - I have a '86 B2000 and it has gotten very tired. With unknown history and apparently poor maintenance, I predict a rebuild or a swap is in order soon.

I'm wondering if there is a single source with a comprehensive list of all parts, pieces, accessories needed to complete the Kia FE3 / FE-DOHC swap into the truck. I will make a list if needed, but didn't want to miss anything.

Thanks in advance, I hope this site continues to grow with contributors - it's already a great resource.

Aedan T, 10/09/2020 06:28

Hey guys, Im Aedan and I started this wiki because died and took with it heaps of information we all miss. My aim here is to provide non bias information and anyone is welcome to contribute. I would also like to specially thank @reyxil for saving the tech section from Mazdatrucking and sharing it with us here.

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communitychat.txt · Last modified: 12/09/2020 05:49 by lynxdragon
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